Extract highly qualified data of your targeted prospects for your business from multiple sources in just few clicks with Yogleads. Exporting your leads is now easier with our dynamic integrations. You can now export your qualified lead data on prominent platforms including HubSpot, Zoho, facilating businesses to manage all their lead data on single platform.
Integrate Zoho in 8 simple steps:
Select the account, you wish to connect with Zoho. You can select the same account, you used for Zoho installation.
Step 2
On the B2B Prospect Search, click on the Export Data tab and then select the Export to Zoho option.
Step 1
Not a existing Zoho user? Access Zoho CRM to create your account by providing necessary business details to continue with the integration.
Step 4
Access your Zoho Account by logging in with your existing credentials, or register through Social Sign-In for quick access.
Step 3
Read the CRM norms carefully and continue by clicking the 'Accept' button, to further proceed with the Integration process.
Step 6
Add your organization to the Zoho CRM. Add the company name you wish to associate with the extracted data.
(Note: Multiple organization addition is possible on Zoho CRM)
Step 5
Everything is ready Now. All your extracted prospect details are now accessible on the Zoho dashboard. You can now edit, and add columns in Zoho to keep the data you need.
Step 8
After approval, you will see a confirmation notification in your YogLeads dashboard. This indicates, your YogLeads app is successfully connected to Zoho account.