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Arjun Tiwari

What is Outbound Sales? Best Tips for Reps to Increase Sales

Updated: Mar 13

What is Outbound Sales: Strategies for Reps to Increase Sales

In the fast-paced space of B2B sales, there are two ways to achieve big: outbound and inbound. Outbound lets you explore the market to find new buyers, while inbound is all about attracting potential buyers. With evolving buyer behavior and expectations, they want to hear from you, especially in the early buying stage. Research shows that 82% of buyers willingly accept meetings with sellers who reach out to them.

What is Outbound Sales?

Outbound sales are prospecting your target audience to build new relationships and close new deals. Cold calling is one of the examples. Instead of waiting for prospects to find you, you take the first step and get in touch with them through cold emailing or cold calling. The aim should be connecting with potential customers and getting them interested in your product or service.

In cold calling, you start introducing yourself and telling them why you are calling. Then you pitch your product or service and try to take a conversation ahead to convince you to become a customer. Cold emailing has the same objective. But you propose a more direct and personal message that grabs the prospect's attention and encourages them to act.

Outbound vs Inbound Sales

While outbound sales focus on reaching out to prospects, inbound sales grab their attention. Inbound sales rely on delivering valuable resources and information to prospects to bring and nurture them throughout their buyer's journey.

With effective lead-generation strategies like content marketing, SEO, email marketing, and social media marketing. These strategies drive traffic to your website, letting customers dig deeper into your business and what you offer. The first step should be bringing customers to the website. Once they engage with the content or show any interest, sales professionals nurture them with personalized responses and communication.

Difference between outbound sales and inbound sales

Businesses benefit most by using the combinations of outbound and inbound sales tactics. Of course one is not necessarily better than the other - it is a matter of strategically investing in both.

Effective Outbound Sales Strategies to Close More Deals

Outbound sales are effective but they do not deprecate the sales reps challenges. Handling client rejection and achieving targets can discourage the sales reps and the outcome does not meet your expectations.

Here with these given strategies for outbound sales, you can strengthen your pitch and improve conversion rates.

Connect with Prospects via Live Chat

Visitors to your website are more likely to make purchases when live chat is available on your website. Businesses use live chat as it is safe and guides customers to get answers quickly. Keep your conversation personal and conclude the chat when it makes sense.

Live chat like can integrate with your website and handle customer queries in real-time. From answering customer queries to providing resources like scheduling a demo - you can get new qualified leads and increase your conversion rate.

Actionable Tips:

  • Deploy a live chat model like, that responds to customer queries in real-time and lets them know more about your business.

  • Take a pre-chat survey to get information that guides the direction of your conversation. Keep it simple by only asking the questions that give enough information for a quick and well-behaved response.

  • While concluding the live chat session, ask to email a copy of the transcript of their records.

Automate Sales Processes with the Right Tools

The best outbound sales platform can help you increase efficiency and productivity while reaching a wider customer. They provide you with experienced and skilled sales reps who take the responsibility of achieving end-to-end sales. The software helps you eliminate manual tasks like data entry, follow-up, and marketing. Also, you can keep your brand communication consistent, track client interactions, the dashboard to monitor outreach in real-time.

Based on your requirements, you can use any tools. Here are some of the best outbound sales tools used by multiple companies.

  • Marketplace to hire experienced SDRs

  • Training model like

  • AI-empowered tools and technologies

  • Real-time sales monitoring dashboard

Connect with Prospects on Multiple Channels

Don't limit your outreach to just phone calls and emails, connect with your prospect through other communication channels. It allows you to reach out to your prospects where they are most active to capture their attention. Research shows that 44% of buyers don't do business with companies that don't use their preferred communication channel.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an essential tool to deliver end-to-end experiences that build trust among customers.

Use CRM database to plan an actionable sales plan:

  • Identify your interested customers and customers that consume most of your time and still return minimal ROI.

  • Use your resources toward potential customers and reach them on their preferred communication channels.

  • Based on customer expectations and needs, customize your delivery message to personalize their experience. Avoid sending generic and long text, use text-based images instead.

Start social selling

Social selling is a mastery of utilizing social media platforms to connect with customers, build relationships, and drive sales. It lets sales reps showcase their product on various social media platforms to boost social credibility. Sales professionals who perform social selling are 50% more likely to reach their targets.

The secret to social selling's high ROI is relationships.

LinkedIn is a great platform to start creating new connections. Share insights about your business, and offers, and explore opportunities to build new business relations.

Tips on how to perform social selling:

  • When you are social selling, be genuine, be real, and give time to form a relationship before you try to make a sale.

  • Be active on Twitter, as it is a hotspot for conversations. Unite social selling and social listening by searching for relevant business keywords and participating in conversations.

  • Interact with customers on social media by answering their queries, commenting on posts, and giving helpful feedback.

  • Engage your prospects with follow-up messages and checking in until they reach a natural conclusion.

Compose Personalized Emails and Time them Well

Your customer's inboxes are overflowing with generic, impersonal emails that try to sell them something. So how do you position yourself?

Personalizing cold mail separates it from junk mail. Many customers don't even consider opening non-personalized emails. So how do make them open your email and take action?

How to compose personalized emails?

  • Use the prospect name in both the email subject line and the main body. Do not start your email with text like "Dear customer" or "Hi there", start like "Hi John".

  • Add details you already know about your customer. Don't include text like "You might like these... (random products)", use "You might like these... (based on their past purchases)".

  • Increase email open rate by segmenting customers based on industry, interest, company size, or sales cycle. Segmenting email campaigns based on company size or revenue can help you target big companies that employ more people.

Along with personalization, timing is an even more important factor in achieving high response and open rates. The best time slot to send an email is 7-8 am, 11 am-12 pm, and 1-4 pm.

Ask for Referrals from Existing Customers

When you deliver a great customer experience, you get word-of-mouth referrals from your past customers. Companies that consider referrals as a part of marketing witness conversion rates up to 70% higher. The best way to improve your business referrals is to implement a system that asks for them.

How to build a strong customer referral program:

  • Implement a Referral System that outlines four steps to take (1) When to ask for a refer; (2) From whom you ask for a referral i.e., from all customers or certain account types; (3) How much incentive do you offer against referral?; (4) How you will track the referral process?

  • Analyze when to send a referral and how (via call or email). By the end of a deal or contract,clients will thinkg about the capital they owe you. Invoices sent a week after the contract can give more referrals than immediately after a contract ends.

  • Personalize your referral email and start by asking for one referral per day. If you start working on this, you'll have sent 300 referral requests over the year.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Accout-Based Marketing (ABM) is a business marketing approach that focuses on targeting accounts within a market. ABM focuses on optimizing personalized buying experience for better customer relationships, acquisition, and business revenue.

ABM synchronizes sales and marketing efforts to help businesses communicate with high-value decision-maker accounts. With ABM, you can personalize the buyer's experience, and tailor communication, and campaigns to such specific accounts. You will get greater ROI and customer loyalty.

Tips to implement effective ABM:

  • Mark top-tier accounts with a higher possibility of achieving sustainable ROI. Analyze data and insights to target the account that aligns with your offering products or services.

  • Segment your target accounts, templatize the content, and then start outreach. It will help sales reps focus their efforts and will better refine the data. Consider factors like industry, company size, revenue, region, or triggering events (IPO, expansion, leadership changes).

  • Develop customized marketing campaigns that will resonate with the target account. Such a campaign's foundation is personalized content. While connecting, address their pain points, your understanding of their problem, and how you can solve it.

Cold Calling

Cold calling is one of the most effective strategies for sales reps to interact with the customer and pitch their product. Cold calling not only includes phone-based conversation but also covers in-person door-to-door interactions.

Instead of focusing on selling a product after they pick a call, first introduce yourself and try to build a relationship.

How to cold call:

  • As per the study, Wednesday and Thursday are the best days to call. Make a call between 10-11 am and 4-5 pm, those times are golden hours. If you call during peak afternoon or lunchtime, you're unlikely to get success.

  • 80% of sales deals close after the fifth contact attempt. Even if your prospect didn't agree to the meeting or didn't sign up, send the follow-up message. Never lose a prospect, not by sending follow-up messages or emails.

  • Every prospect is different and responds with different energy and directness. You have to follow your script but you have to switch your sales pitch accordingly to the customer interest to engage them.

Outbound Sales for SaaS

Many tech giants and SaaS-based companies have thousands of people working as part of their distributed teams. However, they find it difficult to find a prospect and close the deal may be because of a lack of resources or industry expertise.

Here are a few steps that may vary depending on your company, but have proven effective for many companies.

Identify your market

First identify your ICP to narrow down your segments grouped by interests, demographics, or website activity. Determine their needs and decide how you can help them. By segmenting, you can tailor your sales approach to address specific needs and preferences.

Find qualified Leads

After identifying the target audience, start finding the leads you would like to connect with.

SaaS companies often use B2B data providers like YogLeads to generate leads. If you need to learn more, book a free demo with us.

Generate Leads for Your Business

Start Outreaching

This is the crucial step where your sales teams start connecting with leads via cold calls, emails, or social selling. When sending cold emails, utilize this opportunity to provide interactive product demos. Interactive demos let users experience the product.

It will create engagement from the start, help qualify the leads, and leverage the potential of product-led growth.

Follow-up calls and meetings

If you have qualified your leads, you need to continue to engage them till the last phase of the sales pipeline. Follow-up is another great opportunity to provide a personalized and interactive product demo. Undoubtedly, the most important part of the sales process, the demo helps showcase your SaaS product and the value you can bring.

Close the deal

You are almost close to the deal closing. It's the moment when you bring the prospect across the finish line of sales. You can do this quickly by offering limited-time discounts or incentives to close the deal.

Do not rush them before they are ready, instead explain to them why completing the sales now is the right time for their business. The lead agrees to sign the contract, and you make the sales.

YogLeads: Your Outbound Sales Team!

YogLeads is a leading global freelance marketplace pool of 10k+ experienced and skilled sales reps experts in outbound sales. YogLeads lets businesses hire professional SDRs and train them to align with their product or service. Training sales reps is easier and effortless with our personalized Gen-AI model, YogLeads not only helps to find sales reps but also provides AI-empowered tools and technologies to grow your sales.

The entire sales cycle, from hiring SDRs to closing a deal, is accessible on one platform. Monitor all your sales reports with a smart dashboard so you never lose a chance of prospecting. Excitingly, all these features are available on the pay-as-you-go model. Pay only when you have a meeting with SDR and close the deal.

Better Outbound Sales Team



Build your supercharged outbound sales team and train

them to shine in the market. Get enables with AI-empowered tools, and

technology to connect with prospects and close a deal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques. How do I find more emails for outbound sales campaigns?

You can use prospecting search tools like Yog B2B Lead Search platform to get prospect emails and contact numbers. Also, get the company's Director details and connect them to pitch your product.

Ques. What are the best live chat tools for customer servicing?

Live chat tools, such as, are preferred for customer service. You can deploy it on your WhatsApp, website, and CRM to handle customer queries.

Ques. What are outbound sales, and why do you need them?

Outbound sale is the process where businesses connect with prospects via cold calling, emailing, social selling, and more. The primary aim is to connect with prospects, nurture them, and wait for them to take action.

Ques. How many outbound calls we can make per day?

It is advisory that sales reps in B2B SaaS, tech should make at least 60 calls per day to increase the chance of booking meetings.

Ques. What is an outbound call campaign?

Outbound call campaigns are efforts made by sales reps to reach out to potential clients to promote the product. Personalized calls are made using the prospect's information. Campaigns often have a call script that revolves around product descriptions.

Ques. What are good practices for effective outbound sales?

First, identify your target prospects and research their details to identify their pain points and needs. Create a call script and make a cold call tailored to the prospect's needs. Connect them through emails, social media, and platforms like LinkedIn, and Twitter to participate in business conversations.


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